iGOT Karmayogi Platform – Perfect platform for Civil Service Official

iGOT Karmayogi: iGOT Karmayogi is a famous platform of the central government’s famous program Karmayogi Mission The order was issued on Monday by the Chief Accounts Office, Chief Accounts Office, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. In this, it is said that the course will be conducted on the ‘iGOT Karmayogi’. A central government order has become a thorn in the neck of officials. A ministry has also issued a strict order in this regard. 

In this order issued on Nov18, it is clearly indicated that the officers who have not done the online course on the ‘iGOT Karmayogi‘ platform do not have the certificate of the course, then they should not wait for this month’s salary. According to the order of the ministry, the salary bill of the officers should be issued after seeing the said certificate.

The order was issued on Monday by the Chief Accounts Office, Chief Accounts Office, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. In this, it is said that the course will be conducted on the  ‘iGOT Karmayogi‘. The ministry has directed all its ‘PAOs’ to clear the pay bills of employees as per an office memorandum issued earlier. Approve only pay bills of officers whose bills are certified by DDO/HO. They should have a certificate of iGOT course. 

Their salary bill should be approved only if they have the course certificate. In case of officers who are not available with this certificate, their pay bills should be withheld till further orders. That means they don’t get approved. The above orders are issued with the concurrence of the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

iGOT Karmayogi

Five best Functions of iGOT Karmayogi

  • Online learning
  • Competency management
  • Career management
  • Discussions
  • Networking

iGOT Karmayogi Functionality

Let us tell you that the Central Government is conducting online training courses for its officers and employees on iGOT Karmayogi platform. There are courses of very short duration i.e. two to three hours. While in the civil service officers are briefed on how to perform their role from formulating public policies to implementing them at ground level. Officials are adept at how to coordinate the demands and expectations of a rapidly growing economy and the rising aspirations of citizens, and what approach to adopt.

Government officials should have skills, knowledge and abilities. Digital learning framework ‘Karmayogi’ i.e. integrated government online training Karmayogi platform provides anytime, anywhere learning opportunities to all civil servants. This course facilitates the overall objective of organizational training intervention to shift from rule-based system to role-based human resource management in government. All officers are hereby encouraged to do online courses.

Online Course in iGOT Karmayogi

The availability and relevance of online courses on the iGOT Karmayogi platform is also reviewed from time to time. An indicative list of courses for Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) officers and Senior Account Officers (SRAOs)/Assistant Account Officers (AAOs) has also been decided. 

  • FRSR Part I – Department of Expenditure General Rules, the course takes approximately 5 hours and 20 minutes to complete.
  • FRSR Part II – Travelling Allowance Rules, which takes 3 hours 10 minutes. 
  • FRSR Part III – Rules Leave Course, which takes 3 hours 50 minutes
  • FRSR Part IV – DA and DR Rules, which takes 2 hours 25 minutes
  • FRSR Part V – House rent allowances and other allowances, related courses will take 3 hours 45 minutes to complete. 

Similarly, Government of India Public Procurement Framework, Public Procurement of Goods, Government E-Market and Procurement Services (Consultation/Non-Consultation), time limit for doing the said course is also fixed.

New Criminal Laws: Courses such as Introduction to New Criminal Laws are 2 hours 30 minutes, Introduction to Indian Penal Code, 2023 is 52 minutes and Introduction to Indian Evidence Act, 2023 etc. Introduction to Indian Civil Defense Code, 2023 It takes 1 hour 22 minutes. Formulation of Public Policies, a course for ICAS officers, has a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Secretariat Training and Management Institute offers this course. 

Geographical Information System 10 hours 15 minutes, this course is offered by the Department of Space. The art of living is taught in self-leadership courses. This course takes 1 hour 26 minutes to complete.

Swachh Bharat Mission: An Overview, 45 minutes allotted for this. This course is offered by Secretariat Training and Management Institute. Basics of e-Governance and Digital India, for which 1 hour 35 minutes is allotted. The Ministry of Railways offers this course. Similarly, on data-based decision making for the government, the duration of this course is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Capacity Building Commission has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting this course. Public Policy and the VUCA World, which takes 2 hours and 7 minutes to do. Indian Institute of Public Administration offers this course. Duration of Service Delivery Management Course is 3 Hours 11 Minutes. This course is also offered by Indian Institute of Public Administration.

iGOT Karmayogi Official Website – Click Here

iGOT Karmayogi Online Courses – Click Here

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